Politics & the English Language

Free Wishes

Since no one really knows what the future holds for e-books–other than the fact that the market should continue to grow–we are trying a little experiment. For a limited time, Death Wishing by Laura Ellen Scott is available for FREE on Kindle. We figure that one of two things will happen as a result; giving people a chance to read this fun, crazy and extraordinary novel for free will lead to said people telling their friends about it–the old “word of mouth”–so that when it comes time to charge money for it again, these word of mouthers will happily part with their hard earned cash; or, these same people will enjoy their free swag, tell no one about it, and this little experiment will lead to nothing. Tune in a few weeks to find out what happens. Meanwhile, enjoy your freebie.

UPDATE–Dan Cafaro of Atticus Books, who I spoke to on Friday, has a very well thought out post on our free giveaway of Death Wishing.